Yeyeluwa Oluwatoyin Odebunmi

woman is a bridge builder in any society, women naturally connect and easily appeals to everyone, their compassionate side comes to play and makes them more approachable even when in exalted positions of authority unlike the male folks that display lots of masculinity. A mother is a mother and that cannot be taken away from women even in political office. 

The name oluwatoyin Odebunmi resonantes within Oyo state political space especially Ogbomosho.
To some , Mrs Oluwatoyin Odebunmi is Bunvic's wife, to many, she's Yeye Oluwatoyin. Yeye Oluwatoyin Odebunmi is a woman with many parts; She's a golden fish with  no hiding place in the society. She's purpose driven, compassionate, humane, a philanthropist and an advocate for women participation and involvement in politics.

Her involvement and participation in politics is very essential to the development of the interest of women in the subject matter, because politics is concerned with every aspect of our lives and the bedrock of any society.
 She constantly encourages the involvement of women to fill up the gap within the political space as they are an integral part of the society and a strong determinant in the scheme of things as women constitute a large percentage of the electorates. There are great female political figures and they immensely contributed and impacted their world positively, women like Rosa Park, Madam Kuti, not forgetting the Queen Elizabeth of England. etc.

In a recent discussion with Yeyeluwa Oluwatoyin Odebunmi, she said her role in politics has given her the needed voice to champion the course of her people especially in advancing and championing the course of women and children, lending out her voice in support of women and children at all levels.

Women involvement will pave way for more women to get involved in governance according to a recently released survey and example is seen in Kenya and Ethiopia, where a good  number of women   are in the national assembly.

She enjoined more women participation in politics as their involvement helps in promoting a more peaceful co-existence in the society as women tend to see societal issues through a clearer prism.

Yeyeluwa Oluwatoyin Odebunmi is in league of great women who decided to leave their comfort zone and champion the course of a better society and positioning other women to create more positive impact towards delivering a better  nation to the younger generations and building a society that works for all. 
She has been able to deliver immeasurable dividends to the society through her involvement in politics, she has contributed greatly by taking great strides towards creating a better life for women and children and by extension the larger society. Her great strides and achievements deserve commendation.

Tellingly, Yeyeluwa is a role model and a great inspiration to the womenfolk and to the nation. Women should start seeing their involvement in politics as a positive tool to bring about positive and desired change in the nation.

 Finally, women are needed to be active participants in politics and consequently in governance. When this is achieved, the nation will be immensely blessed as Ogbomoso and Oyo State is blessed with Yeyeluwa Oluwatoyin Odebunmi

Olaleye Oyebola Damilare
Women Director Ogbomosho Progressive Youths.



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