
Showing posts from October, 2023

[JUST IN]: Oyo State Gov't Appeals Judgement Sacking Soun Of Ogbomoso

[JUST IN]: Oyo State Gov't Appeals Judgement Sacking Soun Of Ogbomoso  Oyo state government has filed an appeal challenging a court ruling which invalidated the selection and installation of Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye as the Soun of Ogbomosoland. Also an application for stay of execution pending the hearing and determination of the appeal of the defendants/applicants against the judgment at the Court of Appeal, Ibadan Judicial Division has been filed at the High Court. The application is also seeking for an order from the court restraining the claimant/respondent by himself or through his servants, agents, privies or otherwise howsoever prevent him from taking any step or further step in recognition or in pursuance of the judgment of this Honourable Court. Honourable Justice K. A. Adedokun delivered judgment on the matter in suit No: HOG/27/2022 on the 25th day of October, 2023. Justice Adedokun had in his judgment on the case, between Prince Muhammed Kabir Olaoye

Court’s nullification of Soun’s nomination (DETAILS), counsel faults judgement

There was a twist in the judgment relating to the suits challenging the nomination of Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye as Soun of Ogbomosoland as an Oyo State High Court sitting in Ogbomoso, Wednesday, 25/10/2023 declared in suit no HOG/27/2023 between Prince Muhammed Kabir Olaoye V The Governor of Oyo State and 11 others that the procedure for the nomination of the Soun of Ogbomoso the 12th Defendant was “ irregular, null and void.’’ for not strictly complying with the provisions of the Soun Chieftaincy declaration of 1958 Contrarily, in suit no HOG/20/2023 instituted by Prince Taofeeq Akorede Olaoye also challenging Oba Olaoye in which judgment was delivered on October 3, Justice Kareem Adeyimika Adedokun ruled that the procedure was “right, valid and proper.” Justice K A. Adedokun, the presiding judge, delivering judgment in the suit marked HOG/27/ 2023 instituted by Prince Kabir Muhammed Olaoye faulted the procedure for the nomination of Oba Ghandi Olaoye and as a result grant

Chief Sunday Dare Visit Soun Ogbomoso, Monarch Eulogies Dare's Contribution to Ogbomoso Development

Chief Sunday Dare, the former Minister of Youth and Sports Development, paid a congratulatory visit to the new Soun of Ogbomosoland, Oba Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye, Orumogege III, at his aafin Ogbomoso. He was accompanied by his wife, Yeye Agbaakin Olukemi Dare and host of others. During the visit, Chief Dare congratulated the new King and expressed his confidence in his ability to bring prosperity and development to Ogbomoso land. He also promised to continue his efforts in facilitating development projects and federal and other opportunities for the people of Ogbomoso. In his words " Kabiesi O, your Imperial Majesty Oba Afolabi Ghandi Laoye Orumogege III, the Soun of ogbomosoland by God's grace. I, Sunday Akinlabi Dare by the grace of God one of your High Chiefs with my wife Yeye Agbaakin Olukemi Dare are here today 9th October, 2023 to pay a well deserved homage to your imperial majesty as you ascend the throne of your forebears.  The history